Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Insomnia and Tidbits

* One of the first things one sees upon arrival at the Indira Gandhi International Airport are the giant, gold colored hand mudras (symbolic positions of thumb and fingers).  They're absolutely gorgeous and I would have loved to have taken some photos but as we all know taking photos in an airport can be construed as suspicious.

* Indian TV:  They have the same range of fare that we have.  I saw infomercials for weight loss, hair restoration, addictions (by what appeared to be an Ayurvedic guru who had an email address and Twitter account), and body shaping bras.

There are many news channels both in English and Hindi.  There's CNN/IBN, the Times (think British), and MSNBC.  What a surprise to find Suze Orman counseling a woman trying to decide whether or not to give up a very good paying job to follow her boyfriend to Michigan. (No).

I also ran across an Indian televangelist for Christ, music video channels, multiple Bollywood movies and soap operas, and, to my delight, some of my favorite non-fiction channels -- Science, Discovery, and Travel.  There are also cooking, automotive, HBO and various American movies and TV shows.  When deleting bulky items while packing I finally saw the end of a CSI plot thread. More later about ditching items so early in the trip.

Since insomnia is in full force (we have a 4am wake up call for a 5:30am departure for a fight to Bhuvaneshwar) I'm listening to a Travel Trendz show about St. Alphonsa of Kerala, the first canonized Indian saint.

Will now turn off the TV and my mind and try to get some sleep.

Photo shows some things that had to be jettisoned.

1 comment:

Karen Crisp said...

Wow. Already having to ditch all that good STUFF?! Maybe that means you needed room for lots of fun new stuff. :)