Thursday, February 6, 2014

Fun in Ft. Worth

Sharon, Loty, and me
Thanks to Sharon's suggestion of a trip north to view The Age of  Picasso and Matisse exhibit at the Kimbell Museum, the three of us drove to Ft. Worth this week.  Happily, we went on a Tuesday, which we learned is half-price day.  Yippee!  More money for the gift shop. While waiting for the museum to open we met a friendly couple visiting Texas from upstate New York.  He offered to take a photo of the three of us and we returned the favor, getting a shot of them on their camera.   We had a fun ten minute conversation.  You meet the nicest people when traveling; everyone's in a relaxed mode and open to enjoying life.

It was a wonderful exhibit and, of course, just a gorgeous museum to wander in. The gift shop had the same Chinese Brush Painting book that I've been using as inspiration for the Practically Pikasso ceramic items.  And, of course, some truly luscious sketchbooks.
After the gift shop, we enjoyed a lovely lunch and leisurely conversation in the cafe, where we got to know each other better.  The new museum addition, designed by Renzo Piano, was open so we strolled though it, finding some lovely Buddha statues and Chinese brush painting.

Kimbell Museum

New addition by Renzo Piano

more inspiration for ceramics!
Still not quite ready to go home we decided to walk over to the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth.  This museum has certainly gotten a lot larger since my UTA student days of the 70s!  What a lovely walk we had on such a dreary, overcast day.

By now it was mid-afternoon and time to beat the rush hour out of Ft. Worth and head for home.  It's fun to travel with people you don't know very well because you have so much conversation time together.  Who knew that Loty was such a good dog trainer!?  Or that Sharon had lived in St. Louis?  This is what girlfriend days are all about.  We had a blast and vowed to arrange future get togethers.  Thanks, ladies, for a great day and a treasured memory!

1 comment:

Karen Crisp said...

Looks like a fabulous day outing with new friends! I am a Picasso fan, too, and also love Matisse. Know you were inspired and energized by the art ... and am sure it triggered more creative thoughts of your own. Like those more famous kin of yours, YOU are a wonderful artist!! Thanks for sharing!