Saturday, April 5, 2014

Nature's Presence Makes One Whisper

The past two days we've been visiting the north end of Molokai, which is higher and more lush. The old growth trees are magical, causing one to whisper if one speaks at all. I half expected Yoda to appear to give us enigmatic advice.
It's quite difficult to do mobile blogging so I'll keep this short and add as many photos as will upload, which is another difficulty.

The bottom photo is the valley that's in the opening shot of Jurassic Park. This view was on our way up the mountain. While there the weather changed from bright, almost hot sun to cool, windbreaker breezes to what the locals call "pineapple" mist to sprinkling rain. The top photo is the same valley later in the day.

You can see the problem with mobile blogging, double photos with no way to delete them.

It's been a delightful time with Karen and Darrell, who've been fabulous hosts.


Karen Crisp said...

Great photos giving snippets of some fabulous moments out in Nature. The forest walks were amazing -- nourishing to the Soul. Love the "treasures" we discovered along the way -- both on the outer plane and the inner, as well. So grateful to share these experiences with you!

jgriffey said...

Glad you are exploring and a great time.

jgriffey said...

Glad you are exploring and a great time.

jgriffey said...

Glad you are exploring and a great time.