Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Farewell Ceremony for "River Vessels"

Waco Loses a Unique Piece of Public Art

Just about a year ago sculptor, Patrick Dougherty, came to Waco
to create an ephemeral piece of outdoor art.  The "River Vessels," 
which were constructed from willow saplings, were expected to last about two years.  However, because of damage from people climbing on the structures and this summer's extended drought and triple digit heat coupled with a recent severe thunderstorm, the structures were deemed hazardous.  

The city was set to raze the sculpture but not before the its citizens
had a chance to bid a proper farewell to the "vessels."   
With drumming and song people gathered to say their goodbyes.


jennifer black said...

Now why am I not surprised you were there? ;-)

Loved the post yesterday about being true. You are one of the truest people I know, Brenda. Organizing is simply part of the path of paring to the essence, eh?

Brenda said...

Appreciate your comment about being true and I love your positive spin on organizing! Thanks. I treasure your friendship.