Thursday, September 29, 2011


Migraines . . . and stream of consciousness

Thank God for pain relievers . . . which leads to my love/hate relationship with pharmaceutical companies.  Each pill costs $27.  But they work, and $27 is a small price to pay (about two meals at Jason's Deli, a book and a half from Amazon, the price of a new skirt at Earthbound Trading) for an almost usable, semi-productive day. 

One C-Span book discussion centered around the feasibility and desirability of government funded drug research.

I have no problem with capitalism and profit (profit means employees get paid, new equipment gets bought).  Market systems allow for a surplus of goods so not everyone has to produce all of their necessities, thus leaving time for leisure, art, innovation.  However, the incentives of the system can too easily be perverted and descend into greed.

We're all reasonable beings.  (I know that's a big assumption.)  Why can't we find a compromise system?  One that fosters and rewards thinking about the common good without having to have a Big Brother nanny state administer it.


jennifer black said...

If I could answer that, I'd be ... the next drug czar? ;-)

Sorry you had a rough day; glad for the relief though.

Love the collage. Is that you? I didn't realize it was until I enlarged it. (Still not sure because you are actually much thinner and look younger.)

Brenda said...

Yes, that's a drawing I did in 2005 after a two-day migraine. I was heavier then. I'm glad that you think I look better than that now.