Wednesday, March 28, 2012

In Our Town

as in towns throughout the U.S., north and south, is an awful and awesome catalog of human capabilities.  Last night I watched and listened as Carvin Eison, an award winning filmmaker, described how grants and funding evaporated when he proposed filming the story of Jesse Washington's 1916 lynching in Waco, Texas.

To date, Eison's is one of only two films in America on lynching.  Contrast this with the numerous films, independent and commercial, exploring the Holocaust.  It was from German PBS sources that Eison finally secured funding for Shadows of the Lynching Tree.

Before you cringe and turn away from the awfulness of our natures allow yourself to be moved by our equally awesome capabilities.  See and hear about the brave souls, like Larry Johnson, who upon being elected to the Waco City Council, read into the official record the 1916 newspaper accounts of Jesse Washington's death.  And of those who started our local Community Race Relations Coalition

Listen as committed citizens of this southern town formally condemn and apologize for the mob murder of Jesse Washington.

Learn about the intellectual bravery and honesty of local professor, Dr. James SoRelle, who, in 1983, brought to light the "Waco Horror" by writing about it in the Southwestern Historical Quarterly.

Steel yourself to view the postcards of not only this but many other lynchings throughout the United States at the Without Sanctuary website.

Waco citizens at the courthouse burning and lynching of Jesse Washington.
Jesse's body after the mob got through with it.

The postcard reads: "This is the barbecue we had last night. My picture is to this left with a cross over it.  Your son, Joe."

There are numerous courageous citizens of this world who turn the spotlight of our attention on truths that must be brought into and kept in the light.  What's not acknowledged cannot be changed.  Human behavior is unreliable and cautionary tales are necessary.

Rather, "sunshine is the greatest cleanser" than "let sleeping dogs lie."

So, dear reader, I challenge you to open your eyes, your mind, and your heart, allowing all that is both awful and awesome in our natures to transform your consciousness.  Be a Witness so that increasing numbers of us can say with conviction, 'never again' and 'not in my presence.'

1 comment:

Karen Crisp said...

Blessings on you for reporting on this, Brenda, and for all souls, braver than I, who attended this "Shadows" presentation. I wish to join you in the "Never again" and "Not in my presence" commitment. May such unspeakable horrors never be allowed again. Kudos to all who are part of the healing ... and to all who help spread the sunshine. May Light and Love always banish the shadows....