Monday, October 10, 2011

Day Six

. . . of a smoothie version of Joe Cross' Reboot idea.  
A friend mentioned the documentary,
 Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead 
which is available for streaming on Netflix and
Amazon.  In it an Australian man undertakes 
to reboot his taste buds and lifestyle by
doing a 60-day juice fast.

In the film, a woman with chronic migraines
took Joe's challenge and after about 10 days
of juicing she had no more migraines.  

Sounded good to me.  I 
decided to give it a try.

 I dusted off the VitaMix that I haven't used in
over a year and started mixing smoothies with
various combinations of fruits, veggies, and whatever 
else that was healthy and would go through the mixer.

It's helpful to add frozen cherries to reduce 
bitterness and to add some pleasing color.

Well, I can't say that the color is all that pleasing but
the concoction actually tastes good.  Plus, it's quite
filling and incredibly nutritious. The only problem is that
 I'm on Day Six and I'm still having terrible migraines.

I may be giving myself rebound headaches from 
using pain relievers everyday.  The next step is to
stop taking any more pain meds and see if
I can kick the rebound effect. 

The good news is that it's getting easier and
my taste buds are changing.  I have no more 
cravings for sugar, salt, fat, carbs or caffeine. 


jennifer black said...

The food looks yummy in the photos. The smoothies? Hmmm ... it is that color thing, isn't it?

Is there a reason that blending the food is better than eating it in its natural state? Just wondering if eating that same food but without the blender would be the same.

Here's hoping it works for your headaches.

Brenda said...

The reason for using a blender or a juicer is so that you get more food and thus more nutrients into your body. It would be hard to eat that many raw fruits and vegetables.

For example, I might have a meal of baked yams and a salad which would be hard for me to eat without butter and dressing. I wouldn't have room for some of the other things.

Also, some things like cranberries that are too tart for me to eat raw but putting them in the blender gives me the nutrients in a palatable way.

The color turned out pretty sickly in this drink. Usually, I can add enough frozen berries and cherries to turn it deep purple.

So far, this morning my headache is manageable and I'm feeling pretty energetic. I think the pay-off in this eating experiment is in sight.

Karen Crisp said...

Glad you posted the photos. They remind me of some grocery items I need to get to add to my veggie smoothie experiments. :) And the one you made for me was GREAT!!

Looking forward to Juli R's presentation about this at Gaia Circle on the 25th! Both of you are true inspirations for me!