Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Is It Enough?

No, I'm not talking about the debate over Convention coverage or whether or not the billions and billions (queue Carl Sagan's voice) of dollars spent on flood control in New Orleans was enough.  Don't even get me started about the silliness of our nation's political theatrics or people yammering on about how great it is to live on a sandbar within spitting distance of the Gulf.

What, me leave and build my house in a more sensible area, a la The Three Little Pigs?  Anybody along the coastline ever read that story as a child?

Evidently not.

No, by golly, I have a God-given right to live where I want and to have my Grover Norquist pledge-controlled government bail me out when I make nonsensical decisions.  By the way, will there ever be enough grandchildren on the planet, let alone in America, to pay our bills?  

Just asking.

Since I can't change others I'll content myself with focusing on critical decisions, which are in my purview.  At the moment, my most pressing issue is:  (drum roll, please)

Will I have enough Kleenex packets for 6-weeks of toilet needs while traveling in India?

We're not even uttering the words "Delhi belly" or letting those thoughts drift anywhere near consciousness.  No, sirree, I will have so much DigestZen, Immodium, and Apple Cider Vinegar capsules to prevent any such thing.  Plus, I'll be living on beans and rice and the occasional peelable fruit.  No fresh vegetables, dairy, or water from unsealed bottles.  Yum.  I can hardly wait.

Ah, packing for the unknown.  Do I load up the suitcase with protein bars, which I don't like on a good day but which may sound appetizing after the fifteenth serving of beans and rice, or do I assume that I'll be in such a cocoon of spiritual bliss that bodily desires will fall away?  

Not likely. 

I like comfort and I'm not sure that a complete personality change between now and January is possible.

January, you say?  Yes, ever the Girl Scout I am now and have been for some time preparing for this trip.  I have no doubt bored my friends silly with preparation talk.  I've introduced conversations with such riveting topics as, 'did you know that both Hep A and Hep B shots are recommended for travelers to India?'  That'll get the ball rolling.  Someone asked about Yellow Fever and I had to break it to him that Yellow Fever is passe in India.  No, they're into things like Typhoid and Dengue.  

I hear that there may a shot for Typhoid.  If so, I simply must get it so those antibodies can play around with the no longer needed Yellow Fever antibodies.  

Yellow Fever was for the Amazon portion of the Peru trip last year.  I knew that you were dying to ask but were too polite to interrupt.

And then there are all of those clothing decisions.  One simply cannot board the plane until one has bought and tried out more clothes than can possibly fit in the suitcase, or in my closet, for that matter.  But there are sooo many lovely options at all of those online travel stores.

Anyone else as addicted to Travel Smith, Magellans, and Orvis as I am?  Go ahead, put up your hands.  I know you're out there.  I'm not the only one determined to find the perfect items for every trip.  Heaven forbid I should reuse something.  It might no longer be perfect.

We all know that designers and marketers makes teensy, tiny changes in clothing lines every year in their public spirited effort to bring travel clothing ever closer to perfection and the economy to ever higher growth rates.

Oh, my, I have veered off topic.  Back to the issue at hand, Kleenex packets and Wet Ones.  Do I have enough?  

Cast your vote below.  Comments and travel tips are also welcome.  One simply can't agonize enough prior to a major trip.  It's part of the Travel Experience, don't you know?   Like eating beans and rice for six weeks.

Stay tuned, or not, for more scintillating missives from the packing frontlines.


Karen Crisp said...

Cute musing, B! I'll vote: looks like plenty of Kleenex packets ... but I'd add another wet wipe to the mix. You'll have a wonderful time! Soooo glad I'm not going and can experience it vicariously via you! :)

jgriffey said...

I think you need a few more of each!

Anonymous said...

I am with Karen a few more wet ones....they can also double for those times you may get an unknown goo on your hands or elsewhere.

Do they have walmarts in India???
