Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I Get IT Now

I've been on the island of Molokai, Hawaii less than 24 hours and I see now why people love it. Why they will completely reorganize their mainland lives so that they can get back to their island paradise.  Yes, I know, in this world there is no perfect paradise.  Human and mechanical problems will follow us to the end of our days. But you know what I mean.  Paradise in the sense that being here puts world news and problems in a larger perspective.  A place where the world may indeed be going to hell in a hand basket, but look at that sunset, those endless waves, feel the soft winds of the 'trades.'  It's a place where TV and the Internet are available but you don't want to access them.  Even this is too much verbiage.  Simply be here.  Just listen, feel, experience. 

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