Friday, September 30, 2011

Loss . . . Appreciation & Non-attachment

No More Tree

Yesterday, I lost one of my favorite neighborhood sounds.  
It was the rustling leaves of a cottonwood tree across the street 
in my neighbor's backyard. The tree was so tall and the leaves 
so big that I could hear them from across the street.  It was a
 lovely addition to early morning meditations on my front porch. 

I had wondered from time to time why such an often troublesome 
tree was allowed to stay.  Cottonwoods are not strong trees 
and can lose multiple limbs in even the mildest of storms.  
In addition, the female variety produces a cottony seedpod 
 that can blow all over the neighborhood.  The male variety 
 produces pollen, a real no-win type of tree.

So it was no surprise yesterday when I saw a local tree 
service removing the tree.

However, all is not lost.

Another Sound Maker

For, a little farther down the street is another
rustling cottonwood tree.  It's further away so I don't 
hear the leaves as well as the other tree, but I can
learn to listen more intently.  Also, rumor has it that 
the wife won't let the husband remove the tree 
since it's the only large tree in their front yard.

My little neighborhood drama reminds me to appreciate
the beauty that's always around me, if I just remember
to be attentive to it.

It also reminds me that nothing is permanent.

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