Sunday, January 1, 2012

This Year I Will . . .

(Style and technique from Jane LaFazio DVD)

Well, it's that time of year again.  Do an Amazon search
for "change" or "new habits" and you'll find more info
than you can possibly absorb, let alone put into effect.
(Note:  If you're fainthearted don't input a search for
"New Year's Resolutions" as you'll get an 
interesting & surprising porno entry.)

The roller coaster of resolutions rolls on.  This year I will . . .

Meditate in the sun more
Exercise more
"Be" more
"Do" more
Save more
Give lavishly
Organize my photos
Take fewer photos
Listen more
Express more
Study Hindi more
Relax more
Give 29 gifts in 29 days
Create more
Learn more
Get out more
Retreat more
Eat better
Eat less
Laugh more
Smile more
Buy fewer books
Read the books I have
Ground more
Fly more
Be in tune more
Be kind more
Be courageous
Be intelligently cautious
Be more disciplined
Be more relaxed
Be more attentive
Be more present

Whew!  I'm exhausted already.  I'm not sure a year is long enough.

How about if I just pick one a day try to Live it 
 More and at all times remember to
Play Well with Others
Janel and me in Sigtuna, Sweden July 2003

Nancy, Julie, Suzanne, & Pat  Convo. 2008

Karen, me, & Angela Ireland trip June 2011

Enjoy your year!


jennifer black said...

What a great post! I love the mix of (almost contradictory at times) ideas. Balance. That goes well with listen, eh?

Love your art. Thank you for sharing!


Brenda said...

Yeah, I couldn't come up with all contradictories but I tried.

Have you looked at the Create Daily blog yet? I'm taking a hint from you and have courageously uploaded a photo to the Flikr group and posted a comment.

What will the world do if we both come out of the closet of insecurity this year?

Karen Crisp said...

Brenda, I have no idea how you could possibly "give more lavishly"! You ALREADY are a lavish giver, and I am inspired by your example! You are Example to me in too many ways to list -- but this blog post is yet one more bit of evidence that you are an incredible, exceptional, loving, giving Soul! And I can firmly attest that you "play well with others"! Abundant New Year blessings to YOU, dear friend!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Karen! You give of yourself abundantly!!

Love the posts!

like the picture of Newgrange tunnel....lots of meaning there!

We will have to get some new pictures this year!


Brenda said...

Thanks, Anonymous Angela. I still don't know why Google won't let you set up an account.

Actually, that tunnel photo was from Brigit's Garden where they had a small, replica mound. They wouldn't let us photograph at Newgrange. I love that tunnel shot since it evokes so many sentiments and meanings in addition to bringing back memories of the trip.